communication Lesson One

What is communication?
The term communication has different meaning in very sphere of life. 
The exact meaning of communication is to making oneself understood.
Convey your message to another.
Pass information from one place to another.
       As in buying the raw materials in advertising and selling the products.

Types of Communication
Verbal Communication
Written, communication, and the usage cannot be considered incorrect.
Means of verbal communication
the telephone,
the teletype,
the fax machine.
Types of Communication 

Nonverbal Communication
Facial expressions, gestures, posture,
and tone of voice.
Its an important component of personal business interactions.
In oral forms of communication, the appearance of both the speaker and the surroundings are vital to the successful conveying of a message.

Types of Communication
Body language, and particularly facial expressions, can provide important information that may not be contained in the verbal portion of the communication.
Shows hidden emotions that contradict verbal statements.
The tone, rate, as like sounds laughing,
throat clearing,
or humming.

Why Communication essential in Business?
Communication is the first and foremost tool of business buying and selling things because when you buy Something you receive a receipt that is the proof of that goods are sold by the shop keeper.
The communicator should be very careful:
1. Defamation (false statement)
2. Fraud (Misrepresentation by the party)
3. Invasion of privacy (Misuse of biodata/information).

Channels of Communication
A. Internal
Internal communication is that communication flows within the organization.
this communication may be:
1. Down ward 
Communication that Follows from the superior.
2. Up ward
Communication that Follows from the subordinates.
3.  Horizontal
Communication that Follows between personnel in one department of equal same cadre/rank.

Communication Channel
B. External
External communication is inter company communication. effective communication improves:
Goodwill, public image,productivity,profit and public credibility.
Writers usually create brochures to provide information on a product or service.

Communication Channel
Letters are primarily printed, formal business documents.
convey important, non-routine information
job offers or refusals, promotions,
awards and honors and special announcement.
E-Mail Messages
E-mail messages are widely used in business as well as in personal life.
Video E-Mail Messages
A relatively new variant of e-mail is video e-mail. While much richer than text-based e-mail, video e-mail is still a one-way communication channel.

Communication Channel
Telephone Conversations
A somewhat richer channel is the telephone.
It transmits sound rather than printed words.
As a communication channel, videoconferencing is extremely rich. Its technology allows people in different locations to see and talk with one another interactively.
Face-To-Face Meetings
Face-to-face meetings are ranked at the top of the richness scale because they allow complete use of all senses and continuous feedback.

Element of Communication.
communication is a two way process of exchanging ideas and information between two persons so that recipient understand.
The process of communication involves five factors or elements.
1. Sender
/ Writer
The person who intends to send a message to another.
2. Message
The Message consist of verbal (written or spoken) symbols.

Element of Communication.
3. Channel
/ medium
Selection of channels it depends upon the relationship of a person.
4. Receiver
/ Reader
/ Listener
/ Decoder.
Receiver that is receiving sent message that is decoder.

Here are the 7 top barriers.
1.  Physical barriers
Physical barriers in the workplace include:
marked out territories, empires (which strangers are not allowed)
  Separate areas for people of different status

2. Perceptual barriers
The problem with communicating with others is that we all see the world differently.
If we didn't, we would have no need to communicate.

3. Emotional barriers
One of the chief barriers to open and free communications is the emotional barrier.
It is comprised mainly of fear, mistrust and suspicion.
While some caution may be wise in certain relationships, excessive fear of what others might think
Effective communicators and our ability to form meaningful relationships.

4. Cultural barriers
When we join a group we need to adopt the behavior patterns of the group:
Accept as signs of belonging.
Acts of recognition, approval and inclusion.
In groups which are happy to accept you.
5. Language barriers
Language that describes what we want to say.
Un-familiar with our expressions, buzz-words and jargon.
we can pay another person is to talk in their language

6. Gender barriers
Distinct differences between the speech patterns in a man and a woman.
A woman speaks between 22,000 and 25,000 words a day. whereas a man speaks between 7,000 and 10,000.
7 Interpersonal barriers
It shows the relationship of the personal to whom he is communicating.

Major Listening Listening Skills.
Good Listening is as important as good reading,writing,speaking good listening requires:
practice, sympathetic attitude and understanding mind.
When you are listening to anybody you must keep some points in mind:
1. Maintain attention.
2. Physical environment effect the listening.

Major Listening Listening Skills.
3. Match your thinking speed because thinking speed is faster than speaking.
4. Rapid thinking speed you may arrive at conclusion of your own.
  maintain eye contact;
  don't interrupt the speaker;
  sit still;
  nod your head;
  lean toward the speaker;
  repeat instructions and ask appropriate questions when the speaker has finished.

Major Listening Listening Skills.
Barriers to Listening
  Beware of the following things that may get in the way of listening.
  bias or prejudice;
  language differences or accents;
  worry, fear, or anger; and
  lack of attention span.
