Change In Demand And Change In Quantity Demand

differentiate between change in demand and change in quantity demand?
XI Economics change in demand and change in quantity demand
Q: differentiate between change in demand and change in quantity demand?
Change in Demand:
1)Rise in Demand:
                                Whenever price of the commodity remains the same and the quantity of demand increase due to other factors affecting demand such as income of the consumer, fashion etc .it is called rise in demand .
For Example price of hat remains the same of RS .10 and due to come in fashion it quantity of demand increase from 100 to 200.
Rise in Demand graph

2)Fall in Demand:
                                   Whenever price of commodity remains the same and the quantity of demand decrease due to other factors affecting demand such as income of the consumer , fashion etc . it is called fall in demand .
For Example: price of the hat remains the same of Rs.10/ and due to out of fashion it quantity of demand decrease from 100 to 50. 

Fall in Demand curve

Change In Quantity Demand: 
1)Expansion of Demand:
                                            Whenever price of the commodity decrease due to it quantity of demand increase it is called Expansion of demand.
For Example price of tea decrease from Rs.10/ to Rs.5/ and due to it quantity of demand increase from 100 to 200 .

Expansion of Demand

2) Contraction of Demand:
                                                     Whenever price of the commodity increase due to it quantity of demand decrease it is called contraction of demand.
For Example price of tea increase from Rs10/ to RS 20/ and due to it quantity of demand decrease from 100 to 50 .
Contraction of Demand

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