Commercial Geography Most Important Questions In English
Most important Questions of Commercial geography In English
Commercial Geography Important Questions In English
“SECTION – A” Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ’s)
Note: This section consists of ten-part questions and all are to be answered. Each question carries one mark. Do not copy down the part question in your answer book. Write only the answer in full against the proper number of the question and its part.
Q1. Select the correct answer from the given options.
1. Commercial Geography is concerned with the geographical facts relating to:
* Forest * Industry * Commerce * Agriculture
2. The percent of total land area of the earth surface is.
* 71% * 29% * 20% * 60%
3. A large body of water constituting a principal part of the hydrosphere is.
* Lake * Ocean * River * None of these
4. The horizontal imaginary lines on the earth are called.
* Longitudes * Meridians * Latitudes * Gird lines
5. GMT stands for.
* Greenland Mean Time * Greenwich Mean Time
* Great-Britain Middle Time * None of these
6. It is the extent of tropical region.
* 23½ON to 23½ OS * 23 1/2 OE to 23 ½ OW
* 10 ON to 10 OS * 23 ½ ON to 66 ½ OS
7. New Zeeland is a country of
* North temperature zone * North polar zone * South temperature zone * South polar zone
8. The first possibilistic hypothesis was put forwarded by
* Blache * Bowman * Aristotle * Lucien Febvre
9. IAIA stands for
* International Assessment of International Association
* International Association for Impart Assessment
* Indian Act of International Association * Impact and Indian Association.
10. “All the events determined by the environment” this is the theory of:
* Possibilism * Naturalism * Determinism * Realism
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Q2. Attempt any FOUR (04) from the following. [20]- Write any two (02) definitions of Commercial Geography.
- Draw a labeled diagram to show the major geographical regions.
- With the help of a flow chart sow the classification of Natural or Cultural environment.
- Write a note on Determinism OR Possibilism.
- What is the importance of Commercial Geography for an international trader.
Q3. Attempt all questions. [20]
- Define any five of the following.
Tropic of Cancer, Environment, GMT, Equator, Latitude, Physical Environment, Fauna.
- Explain the role of man in the man-environment relationship.
Most important Questions of Commercial geography
NOTE: Attempt all questions from this section
Q1. Choose correct answer from given options.
- These countries have low birth rate:
- Poor b. Developed c. Developing d. none of these
- In The USA, the approximate percentage of work force engaged in primary activities is:
- 3 b. 10 c. 20 d. 30
- This has 100% Urban population:
- France b. Germany c. Singapore d. Japan
- Truck Farming is a type of:
a. Shifting Cultivation b. Market gardening c. Mixed farming d. Mechanized farming - Pampas is located in this country of South America:
- Argentina b. Brazil c. Venezuela d. Chile
- This activity plays a vital role in carrying of goods:
- Primary b. Secondary c. Tertiary d. Quaternary
- This is the sum total of knowledge, attitudes and habitual behavior patterns shared:
a. Agriculture b. Culture c. Environment d. Transportation - This type of farming is practiced for growing food crops for domestic purposes.
- Intensive b. Extensive c. Mixed d. none of these
- The growth rate of this country is lesser than 0% annually.
- Germany b. Russia c. Georgia d. all of these
- This crop is confined between 37 degree N and 30 degree S Latitudes.
- Wheat b. Sugarcane c. Cotton d. none of these
- This crop grows best in regions having rain more than 100 inches a year.
- Wheat b. Sugarcane c. Cotton d. Rubber
- Rubber, tea and coffee are the examples of
- Mied farming b. Hoticulture c. plantation farming d. Viticulture
- Furniture, chocolate, car and chair are the example of
- Services b. manufacturing c. primary activities d. none of these
- In developing world most of the workforce engaged in
- Services b. manufacturing c. primary activities d. none of these
- The natural growth rate of Canada is
- 2% b. 0.3% c. 0.9% d. 1.9%
you may like thiscommercial Geography 2ND YEAR NOTES
Q2. Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
- Write any two definitions of commercial geography.
- Draw a labeled diagram to show the major geographical regions.
- Write a note on determinism.
- How is growth rate helpful for future planning?
- Write the effect of “Three Revolutions” on world population growth.
- Write a note on nearly uninhabited population region.
- Write a note on low stationary stage of Demographic Transition Model (DTM).
- Write a note on location of commercial activities.
Q3. Attempt any four (4).
- Differentiate b/w subsistence farming and commercial farming.
- Write a note on dairy farming.
- Differentiate b/w winter wheat and spring wheat.
- Explain the following terms:
Horticulture, Viticulture, Humid climate, Irrigation - Differentiate b/w plantation farming and crop cultivation.
- List the socio economic factors favorable for agriculture activities.
- Write a note on history of rubber production.
Q4. Answer any two questions. All questions carry equal marks.
- Write a note on man-environment relationship.
- Write a note on world population regions.
- Draw a diagram to classify the commercial activities and explain production based commercial activities.
- Write a note on sub-division of tertiary activities.
Q5. Attempt any one of the following:
- List the major agriculture types practiced in the world and explain the following:
-Mixed farming
-Intensive commercial agriculture
ii. Answer any four of the following:
a. Soil required for wheat cultivation.
b. Temperature required for rubber plantation.
c. Write in brief about by products of rice.
d. Socio Economic factors for sugarcane production.
e. Major importers and exporters of tea.
f. World production of cotton.
a. Soil required for wheat cultivation.
b. Temperature required for rubber plantation.
c. Write in brief about by products of rice.
d. Socio Economic factors for sugarcane production.
e. Major importers and exporters of tea.
f. World production of cotton.
Q1. Choose correct answer from given options.
- These countries have low birth rate:
- Poor b. Developed c. Developing d. none of these
- In The USA, the approximate percentage of work force engaged in primary activities is:
- 3 b. 10 c. 20 d. 30
- This has 100% Urban population:
- France b. Germany c. Singapore d. Japan
- Truck Farming is a type of:
a. Shifting Cultivation b. Market gardening c. Mixed farming d. Mechanized farming - Pampas is located in this country of South America:
- Argentina b. Brazil c. Venezuela d. Chile
- This activity plays a vital role in carrying of goods:
- Primary b. Secondary c. Tertiary d. Quaternary
- This is the sum total of knowledge, attitudes and habitual behavior patterns shared:
a. Agriculture b. Culture c. Environment d. Transportation - This type of farming is practiced for growing food crops for domestic purposes.
- Intensive b. Extensive c. Mixed d. none of these
- The growth rate of this country is lesser than 0% annually.
- Germany b. Russia c. Georgia d. all of these
- This crop is confined between 37 degree N and 30 degree S Latitudes.
- Wheat b. Sugarcane c. Cotton d. none of these
- This crop grows best in regions having rain more than 100 inches a year.
- Wheat b. Sugarcane c. Cotton d. Rubber
- Rubber, tea and coffee are the examples of
- Mied farming b. Hoticulture c. plantation farming d. Viticulture
- Furniture, chocolate, car and chair are the example of
- Services b. manufacturing c. primary activities d. none of these
- In developing world most of the workforce engaged in
- Services b. manufacturing c. primary activities d. none of these
- The natural growth rate of Canada is
- 2% b. 0.3% c. 0.9% d. 1.9%
Q2. Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
- Write any two definitions of commercial geography.
- Draw a labeled diagram to show the major geographical regions.
- Write a note on determinism.
- How is growth rate helpful for future planning?
- Write the effect of “Three Revolutions” on world population growth.
- Write a note on nearly uninhabited population region.
- Write a note on low stationary stage of DTM.
- Write a note on location of commercial activities.
Q3. Attempt any four (4).
- Differentiate b/w subsistence farming and commercial farming.
- Write a note on dairy farming.
- Differentiate b/w winter wheat and spring wheat.
- Explain the following terms:
Horticulture, Viticulture, Humid climate, Irrigation - Differentiate b/w plantation farming and crop cultivation.
- List the socio economic factors favorable for agriculture activities.
- Write a note on history of rubber production.
Q4. Answer any two questions. All questions carry equal marks.
- Write a note on man-environment relationship.
- Write a note on world population regions.
- Draw a diagram to classify the commercial activities and explain production based commercial activities.
- Write a note on sub-division of tertiary activities.
Q5. Attempt any one of the following:
- List the major agriculture types practiced in the world and explain the following:
-Mixed farming
-Intensive commercial agriculture
ii. Answer any four of the following:
a. Soil required for wheat cultivation.
b. Temperature required for rubber plantation.
c. Write in brief about by products of rice.
d. Socio Economic factors for sugarcane production.
e. Major imports and exports of tea.
f. World production of cotton.
a. Soil required for wheat cultivation.
b. Temperature required for rubber plantation.
c. Write in brief about by products of rice.
d. Socio Economic factors for sugarcane production.
e. Major imports and exports of tea.
f. World production of cotton.
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Commercial Geography Important Questions 2019 In English
“SECTION – A” Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ’s)
Note: This section consists of ten part questions and all are to be answered. Each question carries one mark. Do not copy down the part question in your answer book. Write only the answer in full against the proper number of the question and its part.
Q1. Select the correct answer from the given options.
1. Commercial Geography is concerned with the geographical facts relating to:
* Forest * Industry * Commerce * Agriculture
2. The percent of total land area of the earth surface is.
* 71% * 29% * 20% * 60%
3. A large body of water constituting a principal part of the hydrosphere is.
* Lake * Ocean * River * None of these
4. The horizontal imaginary lines on the earth are called.
* Longitudes * Meridians * Latitudes * Gird lines
5. GMT stands for.
* Greenland Mean Time * Greenwich Mean Time
* Great-Britain Middle Time * None of these
6. It is the extent of tropical region.
* 23½ON to 23½ OS * 23 1/2 OE to 23 ½ OW
* 10 ON to 10 OS * 23 ½ ON to 66 ½ OS
7. New Zeeland is a country of
* North temperature zone * North polar zone * South temperature zone * South polar zone
8. The first possibilistic hypothesis was put forwarded by
* Blache * Bowman * Aristotle * Lucien Febvre
9. IAIA stands for
* International Assessment of International Association
* International Association for Impart Assessment
* Indian Act of International Association * Impact and Indian Association.
10. “All the events determined by the environment” this is the theory of:
* Possibilism * Naturalism * Determinism * Realism
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Q2. Attempt any FOUR (04) from the following. [20]
- Write any two (02) definitions of Commercial Geography.
- Draw a labeled diagram to show the major geographical regions.
- With the help of a flow chart sow the classification of Natural or Cultural environment.
- Write a note on Determinism OR Possibilism.
- What is the importance of Commercial Geography for an international trader.
Q3. Attempt all questions. [20]
- Define any five of the following.
Tropic of Cancer, Environment, GMT, Equator, Latitude, Physical Environment, Fauna.
- Explain the role of man in the man-environment relationship.
NOTE: i) This section consists of 15 part questions and all are to be answered
Each question carries one mark.
ii) Do not copy down the part questions in your answer script. Write only the answer in full against the proper number of the question and its part.
iii) The code number of your question paper is to be written in bold letters in the beginning of the answer script.
iv) The use of scientific calculator is allowed. All notations are used in their usual meanings.
1. Select the most appropriate answer for each from the given options:
- Commercial geography deals with these facts relating to commerce.
* Economic facts * Geographical facts * Human facts * None of these
- Regional approach is the study of these aspects in one area.
* Economical aspects * Ecological aspects * Geographical aspects * Business aspects
- The system of vegetables growing without cultivation in a given locality is called.
* Fauna * Flora * Agriculture * Orchards
- All the ancient civilizations of the world are the product of the society of.
* Deserts * Plateau * A mountain valleys * River valleys
- The development of civilization depends upon an increasing exploitation of.
* Culture * Economic activities * Natural resources * None of the above.
- It’s the average annual percent change in the population.
* Mortality rate * Birth rate * Growth rate * Fertility rate
- Total births – total deaths + or – Net migration, this formula is called.
* Growth rate formual * Doubling time formula
* Migration equation * Demographic equation
- This area is the best example of nearly uninhabited region.
* Baluchistan * High Lands of china * South east Asia * Siberia
- This country is the best example of low stationary stage of demographic transition.
* Uganda * Brazil * India * U.K
- All the commercial activities need.
* Natural vegetation * Water * Space * High temperature
- CBD means
* City Business Development * Central Business District
* Crude Birth and Death * Capital Basic Demand
- Chocolate distribution is an example of
* Primary commercial activities * Secondary Commercial activities
* Tertiary Commercial activities * Retail commercial activities
- This type of agriculture is practiced in the monsoon land of Asia.
* Intensive subsistence * Intensive Commercial
* Shifting cultivation * Irrigated agriculture
- It cut, thrash, clean, sack, weigh the wheat untouched by human hands.
* Tractor * Deep blower * Combine harvester * Double roller
- This country is leading cotton producer of the world
* India * China * Brazil * The U.S.A
Q.2 Attempt any 05 parts from this section. (20 Marks)
(i) Write any two definitions of Commercial Geography. OR
Explain the importance of Commercial Geography for a farmer.
(ii) Why and which methodological approach, topical or regional will help us to establish an industry in central Africa?
(iii) Technology controls the influence of physical environment on human activities. Comment.
(iv) A few areas of the world have high densities of population. Comment
(v) Why population growth is typically very slow in stage one of demographic transition.
(vi) Increase in wages and urbanization reduce birth rate. Comment.
(vii) With the help of at least two examples explain the inter relation of commercial activities.
(viii) What is the occupational structure of traditional civilization? OR
Write a note on human development index.
(ix) In 2014 Birth and Death rates of Afghanistan was 38.84/1,000 and 14.12/1,000 respectively.
Calculate the doubling time of population for Afghanistan.
Q.3 Attempt any 04 parts from this section. (16 Marks)
(i) Nomadic pastoralists live in inhospitable arid or cold environment. Comment.
(ii) Write a note on extensive grain production.
(iii) Differentiate between live stock ranching and dairy farming.
(iv) The U.S.A is the biggest wheat exporter of the world. comment.
(v) Write a note on world production of rice.
(vi) Write a note on history of rubber production. OR
Explain the importance of rubber for different industries.
(viii) When refined, petroleum produces hundreds of by products. Comment.
Q.4 Attempt any 02 parts from this section. (16 Marks)
(i) Discuss the importance of regional adjustment in man-environment relationship. Give examples in support of your answer.
(ii) Write a note on over populated urban centers of the world.
(iii) With the help of a diagram explain the different stages of Demographic Transition.
(iv) With the help of a flow chart discuss the level based division of commercial activities.
Q.5 Attempt any 01 part from this section. (08 Marks)
(i) List major agriculture types practiced in the world and explain any two of the following irrigated agriculture, plantation farming, market gardening and mixed farming
(ii) Answer any four of the following.
(a) Cheap labour required for rubber plantation. (b) Soil for cotton cultivation.
(c) World production of sugar – cane. (d) Climate for tea plantation.
(e) By products of rice crop. (f) Temperature for wheat crop.
Most important
NOTE: i) This section consists of 15 part questions and all are to be answered. Each question carries one mark.
ii) Do not copy down the part questions in your answer script. Write only the answer in full against the proper number of the question and its part.
iii) The code number of your question paper is to be written in bold letters in the beginning of the answer script.
iv) The use of scientific calculator is allowed. All notations are used in their usual meanings.
1. Select the most appropriate answer for each from the given options:
- Commercial Geography is concerned with the geographical facts relating to:
* Forest * Industry * Commerce * Agriculture
- IAIA stands for
* International Assessment of International Association
* International Association for Impart Assessment
* Indian Act of International Association * Impact and Indian Association.
- The Wakhan corridor separates Pakistan from.
* Azbekistan * Azerbaijan * Tajikistan * Turkemanistan
- Pampas is located in this country of South America:
* Argentina * Brazil * Venezuela * Chile
- This range has an average height of 12000 feet.
* Kir Thar * Suleman * Safed Koh * Great Himalayas
- Rubber, tea and coffee are the examples of
* Mixed farming * Horticulture * plantation farming * Viticulture
- In Pakistan the per capita forest area is only.
* 1.4 hectares * 0.5 hectares * 0.037 hectares * 1 hectares
- The system of vegetables growing without cultivation in a given locality is called.
* Fauna * Flora * Agriculture * Orchards
- This canal together with the upper Jhelum, the upper Chenab forms the triple project.
* The upper Bari Doab * The Lower Bari Doab * The Lower Jhelum * The Lower Chenab.
- The development of civilization depends upon an increasing exploitation of.
* Culture * Economic activities * Natural resources * None of the above.
- It is the 4th biggest ROR power station of the world.
* Warsak Dam * Ghazi Barotha * Chashma * Guddo
- This area is the best example of nearly uninhabited region.
* Baluchistan * High Lands of china * South east Asia * Siberia
- The south end of KKH is at.
* Rawalpindi * Taxila * Hasan Abdal * Abbotabad
- Chocolate distribution is an example of
* Primary commercial activities * Secondary Commercial activities
* Tertiary Commercial activities * Retail commercial activities
- This type of agriculture is practiced in the monsoon land of Asia.
* Intensive subsistence * Intensive Commercial
* Shifting cultivation * Irrigated agriculture
Q.2 Attempt any 05 parts from this section. (20 Marks)
(i) Write any two definitions of Commercial Geography. OR
Explain the importance of Commercial Geography for an industrialist.
(ii) Technology controls the influence of physical environment on human activities. Comment.
(iii) A few areas of the world have high densities of population. Comment. OR
Why population growth is typically very slow in stage one of demographic transition. OR
Increase in wages and urbanization reduce birth rate. Comment.
(iv) What is the occupational structure of traditional civilization? OR
Write a note on human development index.
(v) In 2014 Birth and Death rates of Afghanistan was 38.84/1000 and 14.12/1000 respectively.
Calculate the doubling time of population for Afghanistan.
(vi) Differentiate between live stock ranching and dairy farming. OR
The U.S.A is the biggest wheat exporter of the world. comment.
(vii) Write a note on history of rubber production. OR
Explain the importance of rubber for different industries.
(viii) When refined, petroleum produces hundreds of by products. Comment. OR
Write a note on alternative energy resources
Q.3 Attempt any 04 parts from this section. (16 Marks)
(i) Mention the directions of all the neighbors of Pakistan and arrange them in descending order with reference to the length of border they share with Pakistan.
(ii) Write a note on the central or Great Himalayas OR
The upper Indus plain
(iii) Compare the usefulness of lift irrigation and surface irrigation
(iv) Greater that canal project reclaimed a large area of Thal desert. Comment.
(v) Perennial Canals are the back bone of irrigation in Pakistan Comment. OR
How does a barrage work for irrigation?
(vi) you have been given an outline map of Pakistan
Show the following in the map (Any four)
a. FATA b. Cholistan Desert c. Chaj Doab d. Iran e. Panjnad River f. Islamabad
(vii) Urbanization is associated with a lot of benefits. comment.
Q.4 Attempt any 02 parts from this section. (16 Marks)
(i) List major agriculture types practiced in the world and explain any two of the following
irrigated agriculture, plantation farming, market gardening and mixed farming. OR
Answer any four of the following.
(a) Cheap labour required for rubber plantation. (b) Soil for cotton cultivation.
(c) World production of sugar – cane. (d) Climate for tea plantation.
(e) By products of rice crop. (f) Temperature for wheat crop.
(ii) (a) What do you mean by most profitable industrial location
(b) Explain the factors responsible for concentration of industries in an area.
(iii) Write a note on world population regions.
(iv) Explain the role of man in the man-environment relationship.
Q.5 Attempt any 01 part from this section. (8 Marks)
(i) Give a detailed account of the upper Indus plain
(ii) What is Indus water treaty? What is its impact on the irrigation system of Pakistan.
(iii) Attempt any to of the following
a. PNSC b. Gawadar Port c. The riverine forests d. The Thar coal field
Q1. Chose the correct option.
- He is called the "father of Geography".
*Eratosthenes *Humboldt * Macmillan * None of these
- Geography is a word derived from this language
*English *French *Greek *Latin
- Geographical limits remain same in this type of approach
*Regional *Topical *Both A and B *None of these
- This defines the true shape of earth
*Circle *Sphere *Ellipse *Geoid
- This is the largest continent by population
*Africa *Asia *North America *South America
- Formation of day and night are caused by
*Rotation *Revolution *Circulation *Both A and B
- Latitudinal extent of equatorial region is
*100 N -100 S *230 N -230 S *100 N -00 *None of these
- This country has the highest negative growth rate
*Russia *Belarus *Georgia *Ukraine
- This country has the highest population density
*Malta *Bahrain *Singapore *Monaco
- Agriculture took place in this year
*8000 B.C *1750 A.D *1900 A.D *1950 A.D
Q2. Attempt any FIVE from the following.
- Study of commercial geography is of great importance for commerce students. Comment.
- Define growth rate of population .How is it calculated.
- Differentiate between regional approach and topical approach.
- What is the importance of imaginary lines of earth?
- World population has passed through different stages? Explain.
- Explain the causes of high population density in Asia.
- Canada’s population would be double in 2087. What is present its present growth rate?
Q3. Attempt any ONE.
- With the help of figure show the sub division of major geographical regions. Also label it. (04+04)
- Write a note on history of world population growth with the special reference to the three revolutions. Draw a diagram in support of your answer.
Q1. Select the correct answer from the given options.
1. Commercial Geography is concerned with the geographical facts relating to:
* Forest * Industry * Commerce * Agriculture
2. IAIA stands for
* International Assessment of International Association
* International Association for Impart Assessment
* Indian Act of International Association * Impact and Indian Association.
3. The Wakhan corridor separates Pakistan from.
* Azbekistan * Azerbaijan * Tajikistan * Turkemanistan
4. Pampas is located in this country of South America:
a. Argentina b. Brazil c. Venezuela d. Chile
5. This range has an average height of 12000 feet.
* Kir Thar * Suleman * Safed Koh * Great Himalayas
6. Rubber, tea and coffee are the examples of
a. Mixed farming b. Horticulture c. plantation farming d. Viticulture
7. In Pakistan the per capita forest area is only.
* 1.4 hectares * 0.5 hectares * 0.037 hectares * 1 hectares
8. The system of vegetables growing without cultivation in a given locality is called.
* Fauna * Flora * Agriculture * Orchards
9. This canal together with the upper Jhelum, the upper Chenab forms the triple project.
* The upper Bari Doab * The Lower Bari Doab * The Lower Jhelum
* The Lower Chenab.
10. The development of civilization depends upon an increasing exploitation of.
* Culture * Economic activities * Natural resources * None of the above.
11. It is the 4th biggest ROR power station of the world.
* Warsak Dam * Ghazi Barotha * Chashma * Guddo
12. This area is the best example of nearly uninhabited region.
* Baluchistan * High Lands of china `* South east Asia * Siberia
13. The south end of KKH is at.
* Rawal pindi * Taxila * Hasan Abdal * Abbotabad
14. Chocolate distribution is an example of
* Primary commercial activities * Secondary Commercial activities
* Tertiary Commercial activities * Retail commercial activities
15. This type of agriculture is practiced in the monsoon land of Asia.
* Intensive subsistence * Intensive Commercial
* Shifting cultivation * Irrigated agriculture
Q.2 Attempt any 05 parts from this section. (20 Marks)
(i) Write any two definitions of Commercial Geography. OR
Explain the importance of Commercial Geography for an industrialist.
(ii) Technology controls the influence of physical environment on human activities. Comment.
(iii) A few areas of the world have high densities of population. Comment. OR
Why population growth is typically very slow in stage one of demographic transition. OR
Increase in wages and urbanization reduce birth rate. Comment.
(iv) What is the occupational structure of traditional civilization? OR
Write a note on human development index.
(v) In 2014 Birth and Death rates of Afghanistan was 38.84/1000 and 14.12/1000 respectively.
Calculate the doubling time of population for Afghanistan.
(vi) Differentiate between live stock ranching and dairy farming. OR
The U.S.A is the biggest wheat exporter of the world. comment.
(vii) Write a note on history of rubber production. OR
Explain the importance of rubber for different industries.
(viii) When refined, petroleum produces hundreds of by products. Comment. OR
Write a note on alternative energy resources
Q.3 Attempt any 04 parts from this section. (16 Marks)
(i) Mention the directions of all the neighbors of Pakistan and arrange them in descending order with reference to the length of border they share with Pakistan.
(ii) Write a note on the central or Great Himalayas OR
The upper Indus plain
(iii) Compare the usefulness of lift irrigation and surface irrigation
(iv) Greater that canal project reclaimed a large area of Thal desert. Comment.
(v) Perennial Canals are the back bone of irrigation in Pakistan Comment. OR
How does a barrage work for irrigation?
(vi) you have been given an outline map of Pakistan
Show the following in the map (Any four)
a. FATA b. Cholistan Desert c. Chaj Doab d. Iran
e. Panjnad River f. Islamabad
(vii) Urbanization is associated with a lot of benefits. comment.
Q.4 Attempt any 02 parts from this section. (16 Marks)
(i) List major agriculture types practiced in the world and explain any two of the following
irrigated agriculture, plantation farming, market gardening and mixed farming. OR
Answer any four of the following.
(a) Cheap labour required for rubber plantation. (b) Soil for cotton cultivation.
(c) World production of sugar – cane. (d) Climate for tea plantation.
(e) By products of rice crop. (f) Temperature for wheat crop.
(ii) (a) What do you mean by most profitable industrial location
(b) Explain the factors responsible for concentration of industries in an area.
(iii) Write a note on world population regions.
(iv) Explain the role of man in the man-environment relationship.
Q.5 Attempt any 01 part from this section. (8 Marks)
(i) Give a detailed account of the upper Indus plain
(ii) What is Indus water treaty? What is its impact on the irrigation system of Pakistan.
(iii) Attempt any to of the following
a. PNSC b. Gawadar Port c. The riverine forests d. The Thar coal field
Q.1 Choose the correct answer from the given options.
1. Temperate Grasslands are famous for cultivation of
* Rice * Sugarcane *Rubber *Wheat
2. The largest tea producer of the world is
* Srilanka * Kenya * India * Bangladesh
3. Rubber is the native plant of
* South Africa *Brazil * Indonesia * China
4. Rice is the crop of this region
* Tropical * North Africa * Monsoon Asia * Central Asia
5. This is the leader in the world in iron and steel industry.
* Russia * USA * Japan * China
6. Pakistan is rich in
* Metallic minerals * Non- Metallic minerals
* None of the stones * Both of the above
7. The Hindu Kush Mountains cover a large part of
* Abbotabad District * Sindh District
* Peshawar District * Chitral District
8. In Pakistan it is the source of cyclones
* River Indus * Terbela Dam * Arabian Sea * Bay of Bengal
9. This is a tunnel or narrow under ground canal
* Seasonal Canal * Karez * Charsa * Spring
10. Sheikhpura, Gujranwala, and Sialkot constitute the rice growing region in
* Central Punjab * Southern Punjab * North- Eastern Punjab *Western Punjab
11. This city is the capital of Indonesia
* Jakerta * Kualalampur * Laos * Anqra
12. Malaysia is in the following region
* South Asia * South East Asia * Central Asia * West Asia
13. The largest city of Turkey is
* Ankara * Istanbul * Kenya * Java
14. In Pakistan about this much population live in rural areas
* 65% * 50% * 75% * 90%
15. Manchester is famous for
* Iron industry * Cotton Textile Industry * Fertilizer industry * Woolen industry.
16. Population density of Bangladesh is about
* 300 person/thousand * 600 person/thousand
* 900 person/thousand * 1200 person/thousand
17. It is 40% of total imports of Pakistan
* Chemicals *Transport equipments *Machinery * Fuel
18. Pakistan’s share in world GDP is about
* 3% * 1% * 0.3% * 2%
19. HDI value of Pakistan is
* 0.9% * 0.681 * 0.541 * 0.324
20. It is the expansion of production unit
* Horizontal Growth * Vertical Growth * Extra Growth * Limited Growth
21. At present Pakistan Railways manages a total of these dry ports.
* Two * Six * Eight * Four
22. PIA serves about ___ domestic destination.
* 5 * 10 * 24 * 50
23. In Pakistan population under 15 years is about
* 10% * 25% * 37% * 50
24. Warsak Dam is situated 30 km north west of
* Kabul * Peshawar * Swat * Loralai
25. It is the share of the hydro Electricity in world electricity production.
* 80% * 45% * 16% * 32%