Pakistan and the Modern World

Pakistan and the Modern World

07).Pakistan and the Modern World

Question 01) What do you know about Liaquat Ali Khan?

Ans)Liaquat Ali Khan was born on 1 October 1895. He was the right-hand man of the Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah during the crucial years of the Muslim struggle for the creation of Pakistan. In 1974, he became the first Prime Minster of the Muslim homeland for which he had worked hard. He was the great statesman with a deep compassion for human sufferings. He was a fine orator with sincerity and eloquence in his speech. A fanatic at a public meeting in Rawilpindi on October 16, 1951 assassinated him.

Question 02) What reasons did Liaquat Ali Khan give to justify the demand for Pakistan?

Ans)In his speech, Liaquat Ali Khan made it clear that apart from difference of religion between the Muslims and the Hindus, there were a number of other very serious types of causes behind the demand put by the Muslims for a separate homeland. The Muslims believed that it was impossible for them to accept the domination of the Hindu majority and suffer the set back of ruin of their culture, traditions and ideology of life. They realized that without an independent and separate homeland freedom from the British rule would mean to them no more than a change of master. In order to protect their social, economic and political rights and to safeguard their culture and future of the coming generations, they put up the demand for Pakistan on solid grounds and due to legitimate reasons.



Question 03) What main differences did Liaquat Ali Khan point out between the Muslims and the Hindus beliefs and attitudes in his speech?

Ans)Liaquat Ali Khan pointed out the ideological, the theological, social and economic difference between the conceptual outlooks of the both the Hindus and the Muslims in his speech.

The Muslims are the believers of one and only one God, whereas the Hindus are the believers of many gods. The Muslims believe in the prophet Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) as the last prophet of God. They also believe in Jesus Christ and all the prophets of the Holy Bible, whereas the Hindus do not believe in them. The Muslims believe in the equality of all men, whereas the Hindus believe in a caste-system in their social organization. The Muslim does not believe in the bond, which exists between God and each of His creatures, but the Hindus believe in priesthood as the medium of contact with their gods.

Question 04) What concept of freedom did Liaquat Ali Khan give in his speech and how can that freedom be speech?

Ans)Liaquat Ali Khan made it clear that the modern concept of freedom is totally different from that of the past years. According to him, not only the states but the citizens of the state must be free. The real concept of freedom ensures basic human rights to each and every citizen, as well as protection against and freedom from the social evils and poverty, disease, ignorance and injustice. If freedom fails to provide people protection against social evils, it has no value for the common man or woman. Real freedom means comfort of life and equal social rights enjoyed by all citizens.

Question 05) What did Liaquat Ali Khan put forward as the two main duties of the Western World?

Ans)The two main idea duties according to Liaquat Ali Khan are following.

The first duty of the western world is related to the sharing of its great fund of knowledge, skill and experience with those who are less in the qualities but they constitute a major part of the world’s population. The second duty of the western world is to give respect and honor to new emerging nations and democracies because a true democracy is international and is essential for the maintenance of peace in the world.

Question 06) What role of Pakistan did Liaquat Ali Khan explain in his speech in the establishment of Asia? Why did he hope that Pakistan is able to play its role successfully?

Ans)Liaquat Ali Khan explained the role of Pakistan as a stabilizing factor in Asia, which was at that time a backward and discontented part of the world. He hoped that Pakistan would be able to play its role successfully because the people of Pakistan have their strong faith in God, in democracy, in their own unity, in the strength of their land and water recourses and their will to work for this purpose.


