Objective Resolution & Salient Features of Objective Resolution
Objective Resolution
Pakistan is the first nation in the world, whose creation was
based on the religious motives. It was because of this reason that the popular
and famous slogan of “Pakistan ka Matlab Kiya? La Illaha
Illallah.” Was the main basis of the demand of Pakistan. But at
the very outset of its establishment, it had no Islamic constitution of its
own, so according to the independence act of 1947, the government of India Act
1935, with certain amendments was adopted by Pakistan. However, a new
constitution was to be framed for the country since the old act of 1935 did not
contain everything required for an independent Islamic state.
First Constituent
In order to establish a society based on the Islamic principles, a
constituent assembly was formed in 1947 with Quaid-e-Azam as its leader. The
responsibility of making a constitution of Pakistan rested on Constituent
However, with the death of Quaid-e-Azam on 11th September
1948, the responsibility of framing the constitution fell onto the shoulders of
the first Prime Minister, Liaquat Ali Khan.
Objective Resolution
This resolution was passed by the First Constituent Assembly in
March 1949 under the leadership of Liaquat Ali Khan. It contained those
objectives on which the future constitution was to be based as stated by the
founder of the nation, Quaid-e-Azam in February 1948, said:
“The constitution of
Pakistan will be democratic and based on the fundamental laws of Islam… Islam
and its ideology has taught us the lesson of democracy.”
Salient Features of
Objective Resolution
The salient features of
the Objective Resolution are as follows:
Sovereignty Belongs to
The resolution clearly
laid down that sovereignty over the entire Universe belongs to Almighty Allah
alone and the authorities to be exercised by the people of Pakistan are a
sacred trust.
1. Federal System
Federal System of Government will be introduced in Pakistan.
2. Golden Principles of Islam
Principles of democracy, equality, freedom and social justice as
laid down by Islam shall be fully observed.
3. Supreme Authority of the People
The sovereignty of the state will be established through the
elected representative of the people.
4. Life According to the Teachings of Islam
The Muslims shall be provided with opportunity to order their
lives in accordance with the teachings and requirements of Islam.
5. Protection of the Rights of Minorities
The rights and interests of the minorities to freely profess and
practice their religion will be protected.
6. Equal Rights to Citizens
All citizens will enjoy their rights on the principle of equality.
7. Development of Under Developed Areas
All efforts will be made for the development and progress of the under
developed areas.
8. Independence Judiciary
Judiciary will be independent.
Objective Resolution and
Liaquat Ali Khan
While introducing the resolution in the constituent Assembly,
Liaquat Ali Khan said:
“The ideals that
promised the demand for Pakistan should form the corner stone of the state.
When we use the word ‘Democracy’ in the Islamic sense it pervades all aspects
of life. It relates to the system of government and to our society with equal
validity because one of the greatest contributions of Islam has been the
equality of all men.”
Importance of the
Objective Resolution
This resolution is of fundamental importance in the history of
constitutions making in Pakistan because from the first constitution of 1956
till the constitution of 1973 (present constitution) whatever constitution was
framed it was based on this objective resolution. It contains those steps and
principles which were to be taken for the fulfillment of the basic aim of the
freedom struggle that is the establishment of an Islamic society in Pakistan.
Hence, it is a significant document in the constitutional history of Pakistan.
When Liaquat Ali Khan visited America, in the course of his speech
at New Orleans, he said:
“We believe in God and
his Supreme sovereignty because we believe that civic life must have an ethical
content and a higher purpose. But democracy, social justice, equality of
opportunity and equality before the law of all citizens inrrespective of their
race and creed are also aspects of faith with us.”
Basic Principles of
After passing the Objective Resolution, the Constituent Assembly
of Pakistan set up a “Basic Principle Committee” to
spell out proposals for the Constitution in accordance with the guidelines
contained in the Objective Resolution.
All the above mentioned
principles were presented in the Objective Resolution that is why this
resolution is considered an important event in the constitutional history of
the country. It was accepted by all classes of people. It provided a guide line
for the future constitutions of Pakistan which were passed in 1956, 1962, 1973.
It consisted of such principles which revealed that character of constitution
shall be Islamic.