35 Questions And Answers From Past Papers - XII English Solved Paper
35 Question Answers From Past Papers - XII English Solved Paper
35 Questions And Answers From Past Papers - XII English Solved Paper
1. How did Rudolf Rassendyll become the king of Ruritania? Ans: Rudolf Rassendyll was a tall, young and handsome man, belonged to a noble family in England. He was an educated man of twenty nine, who had perfect command over German and French. He was bold cultural and knew the art of becoming popular. He had red hair, straight nose, blue eyes and a beard. His physical appearance bore striking resemblances to that of the real king, through there were some points of differences.His likeness with king of Ruritania helped him to make his mission a success.
1. How did Rudolf Rassendyll become the king of Ruritania? Ans: Rudolf Rassendyll was a tall, young and handsome man, belonged to a noble family in England. He was an educated man of twenty nine, who had perfect command over German and French. He was bold cultural and knew the art of becoming popular. He had red hair, straight nose, blue eyes and a beard. His physical appearance bore striking resemblances to that of the real king, through there were some points of differences.His likeness with king of Ruritania helped him to make his mission a success.
2. Why and how did Antoinette de Mauban help Rudolf Rassendyll?
Ans: Lady Mauban decived Black Michael by exposing the secrets to his
opponents. She also saved Rudolf’s life at summerhouse. She did so because she
loved Duke Michael and wanted to marry him. But Black Michael was planning to
marry Flavia to get the throne.
3. What motive has the man for murdering her?
Ans: Revenge is the motive of the man, in murdering of Mrs. Oakentubb.
According to the accident and the causality applied the brakes. Also, she was
driving very fast, to win the bet of £5/= so, while over-taking the bus, on a
blind bend, she was going to run into a lorry. She turned her car on to the
pavement and killed his wife and daughter and save her life. The man calls
this, murder.
4.What, in the author’s opinion, should Asian countries accept from the west
and what should they reject?
Ans: The Asian countries should learn from the West the spirit of scientific
research and should reject their desire of domination and exploitation. Competition
rivalry has given birth to a race of power. The East should be wise enough to
avoid such power groups.
5. How did Thurber’s mother cope with the situation?
Ans: Thurber’s mother calmly put out all fire in the house took a few eggs and
some loaves of bread. Her intention was to go a short distance and pass the
time on the top of the house which was only two buildings away from their own,
but the rush of the running populace took her long.
6. Liaquat Ali Khan contrasts two motions that the Asian people tend to feel
when they view the Western world. What are these two emotions?
Ans: The two emotions which the writer contrasts, with regard to the western
world is, one of admiration at the progress and advancement of civilization in
America and other western countries and dismay their own misery and back
The other is of the great contrast between their own standard of living and the standards of living in the western world. This imbalance in the standard of living could be a cause for much unpredictable revolutions. For the sake of world place, Asia must be made strong and progressive. It cannot be made stable and strong, until the reasons for unrest amongst the people, are crushed. This means that the people should be provided with the jobs (to improve their standard of living) and technical assistance, only then, the germs of disruption, (reason for violence) would be removed.
The other is of the great contrast between their own standard of living and the standards of living in the western world. This imbalance in the standard of living could be a cause for much unpredictable revolutions. For the sake of world place, Asia must be made strong and progressive. It cannot be made stable and strong, until the reasons for unrest amongst the people, are crushed. This means that the people should be provided with the jobs (to improve their standard of living) and technical assistance, only then, the germs of disruption, (reason for violence) would be removed.
7. What purpose, in your opinion, is deserved by beginning this act of the play
with case of the Livens girls, which has nothing to do with the main star?
Ans: The case of livens girls has no direct connection with the actual play;
but it is highly significant in this respect that it gives the reader foretaste
of what is going to follow. The English legal system was faulty, and the poor
has so put up with a lot of injustice. What livens girls have to suffer the
Jones children will have to suffer when their father will go to prison and
mother became unemployed.
8. What role does every one play on the stage of this world according to
Ans: According to William Shakespeare every man plays seven parts on this great
stage of the world.
(i) AN INFANT: Crying feebly in the arms of his nurse or mother.
(ii) A SCHOOL BOY: Going reluctantly to school with his school bag.
(iii) A LOVER: Heaving sighs and composing romantic verses in praise of the beauty of his beloved.
(iv) A SOLDIER: Full of ambitions always ready to pick up quarrels over petty matters and ready to risk his life for the sake of short lived fame.
(v) A JUDGE: With bulging belly fed with bribes, quoting wise sayings based on his past experience.
(vi) A CLOWN-LOOKING OLD MAN: Wearing slippers, loose pants, spectacles placed carelessly on the tip of his nose and a small bag hanging onto his side containing his stockings of his Youth hood which have now become too wide for his shrunk legs, and his big manly voice is changed into a thin childlike voice producing the sound of pipes and whistles in it.
(i) AN INFANT: Crying feebly in the arms of his nurse or mother.
(ii) A SCHOOL BOY: Going reluctantly to school with his school bag.
(iii) A LOVER: Heaving sighs and composing romantic verses in praise of the beauty of his beloved.
(iv) A SOLDIER: Full of ambitions always ready to pick up quarrels over petty matters and ready to risk his life for the sake of short lived fame.
(v) A JUDGE: With bulging belly fed with bribes, quoting wise sayings based on his past experience.
(vi) A CLOWN-LOOKING OLD MAN: Wearing slippers, loose pants, spectacles placed carelessly on the tip of his nose and a small bag hanging onto his side containing his stockings of his Youth hood which have now become too wide for his shrunk legs, and his big manly voice is changed into a thin childlike voice producing the sound of pipes and whistles in it.
9. How is traditional culture threatened in an age dominated by science and
Ans. There is no doubt that there is a great danger to traditional (local)
culture from science and machinery. Science and machinery dominate (or destroy)
older cultures to such an extent that they tend to put an end, not only to what
was bad but also to what was good in the culture of the past.
10. On what grounds does Einstein put the individual before the state?
Ans. In Einstein’s opinion the most valuable thing in human life, is not the
state but the creative, and sensitive individual, who alone creates the noble
and the sublime (inspiring). They are one’s who bring glory to a country, while
the hard (common man), remain dull and in feeling.
11. When do we first suspects that the Miller was not a really god friend of
Ans: We begin to suspect Miller when he decided not to pay a visit to Hans as
long as the lasts. Hans was in trouble and the Miller used to tell his wife,
“When people are in trouble they should be left alone and not be bothered by
12. Briefly describe the character of the upright man as given in the poem “The
Man of Life Upright”
Ans: The character of an upright man as given in the poem entitled “The Man of
life Upright” by Thomas Campion are:
1. He leads a simple, sinless and quit less life.
2. He leads a peaceful and contented life in innocent pleasure.
3. He is neither tempted by desires or ambitions or disappointments can damp his spirit.
4. His honest thought is his ideal protection against all evils.
5. He is not afraid of death that might render him coward.
6. He rejects all cares and worries that destiny can bring and has spiritual confidence.
7. He submits himself to the will of God with patience.
8. He regards his stay in this world as a pilgrimage to his eternal destination in heaven.
1. He leads a simple, sinless and quit less life.
2. He leads a peaceful and contented life in innocent pleasure.
3. He is neither tempted by desires or ambitions or disappointments can damp his spirit.
4. His honest thought is his ideal protection against all evils.
5. He is not afraid of death that might render him coward.
6. He rejects all cares and worries that destiny can bring and has spiritual confidence.
7. He submits himself to the will of God with patience.
8. He regards his stay in this world as a pilgrimage to his eternal destination in heaven.
13. How did Samson take revenge from his enemies?
Ans: Samson took revenge upon the Philistines, the enemies of his race, the
Israelis by bringing down the great arched roof of the temple of Dagon upon
their heads crushing them as well as him to death, thereby delivering his
people from the cruel clutches of the philistines.
14.How does the poem An Essay on Man” Justifies pope’s opinion that ignorance
of the future and hope are two great blessings of God?
Ans: The poem “An Essay on Man” justifies Pope’s opinion that ignorance of the
future and hope are two great blessing of God focusing the following.
i) If man had known his future, it would have absolutely become unbearable and impossible for him to complete his destined cycle of life according to his wishes. Pope supports this thought by giving the example of a playful contented lamb, who is unaware of its fate of being sacrificed shortly by its master.
ii) The poem expresses the thought that even though God does not let man know His future blessings but has certainly blessed him with the hope of being blessed in the future which is yet another precious gift of God.
i) If man had known his future, it would have absolutely become unbearable and impossible for him to complete his destined cycle of life according to his wishes. Pope supports this thought by giving the example of a playful contented lamb, who is unaware of its fate of being sacrificed shortly by its master.
ii) The poem expresses the thought that even though God does not let man know His future blessings but has certainly blessed him with the hope of being blessed in the future which is yet another precious gift of God.
15. Briefly describe the incident that led Wordsworth to write the poem “The
Solitary Reaper”.
Ans: William Wordsworth was roaming in the Scottish hills. He saw a highland
girl in a valley. She was alone and was singing a queer song. The poet could
not understand the meaning of the song and preserved into his heart. The
beautiful melody of the song supplement by the natural scene of valley.
16. What things of beauty did Keats find most inspiring in the poem, “Lines
from Endymion?
Ans: The poem Lines from Endymion written by John Keats. The long poem is
divided into four books. The poem tells the story of Endymion, the brain – sick
prince, with whom the goodness, Cynthia falls in love. The poet syas that a
thing of beauty is a constant source of joy. The world is full of beautiful
objects of nature such as the sun, the moon, shady trees, the flowing streams,
the thick groves and the wild roses give us pleasure, and the poet also loves
the stores of the great men. When we read these stories, it seems that these
are the fountains of overlasting inspirations pouring into our soul from the
17. What do tried waves symbolize in the poem “Says Not the Struggle Availeth”?
Ans: The tried waves in the poem “Say Not the Struggle Naught Availeth” by
Arthur Hugh Clough, Symbolize that efforts no not go in vain. Apparently the
waves do not seem to make any advance, but in fact they create inlets and
creeks flooding the inland stealthily from the Sea.
18.How does Ulysses inspire in sailors to embark on a new adventure?
Ans: In the poem “Lines from Ulysses” composed by Alfred Lord Tennyson, Ulysses
who was the king of Ithaca, a Greek Island. He was brave and courageous. Ulysses
inspires his old fellows to go to another voyage. He addresses his sailors and
appreciates their past services and admits them that though they have become
old but they should go to discover new world. Ulysses make it clear that much
has been taken away from them by time but still much abides. They still possess
self-confidence, unshaken will hope and determination. These are the qualities
and factor that matter in the struggle of life and earn immortality to mortals.
19.Compare the two Rudolph’s briefly or who deserves to be that the king of
Ans. As Regards Legality Is Concerned, Rudolf Rassendyll does not deserve to be
the king. He is an Englishmen, a foreigner. Thus he does not classify, to be
the king of Ruritania. However he does possess in born qualities of leadership
which weigh heavily in his favor. While Rudolf being the heir to the throne of
Ruritania has the right to be king, thought he lacks the qualities of king.He
is easy going, careless and lacks in leadership qualities. He loves wine women
and song and take his kingship rather lightly, while Rudolf ressendyll is bold
a courageous, he has the ability to face critical situations and take the right
decisions, at the right time. He is enterprising and that is why, he accepts the
responsibility and steps into the shoes of King Rudolf Elphberg and becomes the
imposter King, which role he pays, admirably.
20.Briefly give probable reason for the magistrate’s decision to discharge Mrs.
Ans. The magistrate’s discharge Mrs. Jones probably because of two reasons.
One, when the silver box went missing, she was in the room, but the silver box
was not found on her person. Secondly, her husband, Mr. Jones, had confused to
the Magistrate, that he had taken the silver box. Therefore the Magistrate
discharged Mrs. Jones.
21.Why and how did Antoinette
de Mauban help Rudolf Rassendyll?
Ans: Lady Mauban decived Black Michael by exposing the secrets to his
opponents. She also saved Rudolf’s life at summerhouse. She did so because she
loved Duke Michael and wanted to marry him. But Black Michael was planning to
marry Flavia to get the throne.
22. What main difference does he point out between Muslim and Hindu beliefs and
Ans. The main differences in the Hindus beliefs and the attitude are as
Liaquat Ali Khan points out the following main differences between Muslims and Hindu beliefs,
(a) The Muslims are monotheists ie. They believe in only one God, whereas the Hindus are polytheists, ie. They believe in many gods.
(b) The Muslims believe in Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and in Christ and the prophets of the Bible when the Hindus do not.
(c) The Hindus believe in a caste system whereas the Muslims believe in the equality of all men.
(d) The Muslim believe in the right of private ownership for everyone and have such laws of inheritance as prevent vast accumulation of wealth. The Hindus have no such laws.
Liaquat Ali Khan points out the following main differences between Muslims and Hindu beliefs,
(a) The Muslims are monotheists ie. They believe in only one God, whereas the Hindus are polytheists, ie. They believe in many gods.
(b) The Muslims believe in Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and in Christ and the prophets of the Bible when the Hindus do not.
(c) The Hindus believe in a caste system whereas the Muslims believe in the equality of all men.
(d) The Muslim believe in the right of private ownership for everyone and have such laws of inheritance as prevent vast accumulation of wealth. The Hindus have no such laws.
23.What motive has the man for murdering Mrs. Oakentubb? Ans. Revenge is the motive of the man, in murdering of Mrs. Oakentubb. According to the accident and the causality applied the brakes. Also, she was driving very fast, to win the bet of £5/= so, while over-taking the bus, on a blind bend, she was going to run into a lorry. She turned her car on to the pavement and killed his wife and daughter and save her life. The man calls this, murder.
24. What does the line, “Come my friends, Tis not too late to seek a newer
world,” means?
Ans. This line shows Ulysses’ impatience, to start the journey. He is eager to
discover new places and urges his friends, to hurry up, as it is not too late.
As the sun had not set yet. It was still bright enough to start their journey.
It also means that they were not too old, to stop them from another journey.
25. Why was Hans unable to look after because his garden?
Ans. Hans unable to look after because his garden because the miller kept sending him on long errands (work) like going to the market or mending his (Millers) barn roof for him, so that, there was hardly any left for him, to look after his garden.
Ans. Hans unable to look after because his garden because the miller kept sending him on long errands (work) like going to the market or mending his (Millers) barn roof for him, so that, there was hardly any left for him, to look after his garden.
26. Write a brief character sketch of THE MALE CHARACTER OF "TWENTY
Ans. He is the fellow passenger of Mrs. Oakentubb at a railway station, on a
stormy night. In the play "Twenty Minutes with Mrs. Oakentubb' we encounter
him as a man belonging to a slightly lower social order, i.e., a clerk or a
superior artisan. His wife and daughter died in an accident for which Mrs. Judy
Oakentubb is responsible. He is an emotional man who has become bitter after
the loss of his wife and daughter. He has been nursing feelings of hatred
against the murderer of his loved ones. Life has no meaning or interest for him
except for the revenge from Mrs. Oakentubb. He is vengeful and possesses an
unforgiving nature. Inspite of its bitter attitude towards life he has some
traces of witticism and humour. He's very intelligent and makes Mrs. Oakentubb
confess her own crime. He's as cunning as Mrs. Oakentubb and doesn't falls into
her trap when she pleads him to kill her. He pretends as if he believes her and
walks out of the room but the next instant he befools her and kills her.
Thus, the fellow passenger is a very emotional man who has been shattered after the sudden death of his wife and daughter. He is very determined and when he resolves to take revenge, he does take it. His vengeance is so intense that he doesn't care about the consequences. Another thing that we come to know about him is that he is a shrewd planner. He chooses the right place, i.e., a deserted railway to know about him is that he is a shrewd planner. He chooses the right place, i.e., a deserted railway station waiting room and the right time, i.e., late at night when there's no soul around except an old porter, who can't do anything to prove his crime.
Thus the fellow passenger of Mrs. Oakentubb is a very sound character. He keeps our interest alive by his witty remarks throughout the play.
Thus, the fellow passenger is a very emotional man who has been shattered after the sudden death of his wife and daughter. He is very determined and when he resolves to take revenge, he does take it. His vengeance is so intense that he doesn't care about the consequences. Another thing that we come to know about him is that he is a shrewd planner. He chooses the right place, i.e., a deserted railway to know about him is that he is a shrewd planner. He chooses the right place, i.e., a deserted railway station waiting room and the right time, i.e., late at night when there's no soul around except an old porter, who can't do anything to prove his crime.
Thus the fellow passenger of Mrs. Oakentubb is a very sound character. He keeps our interest alive by his witty remarks throughout the play.
27.Jaques takes a disrespectful, humorous view of man’s life.
Ans. There is no doubt that Jacques is making fun of man. His description of
the young lover, “Sighing like a furnace” at the dies-interest of his beloved.
Or the young lover singing sad songs in praise of his beloved’s eyebrows. The
funny description of the justice, who becomes fat from eating rich food. Shows
his prosperous position in the society
28.How did Liaquat Ali Khan explain the freedom and achievement of Pakistan and
how can a nation maintain its freedom?
Ans. According to Liaquat Ali Khan, freedom is not bestowed upon people. It is
a very precious thing which is attained after long and tedious struggle.
It requires a lot of sacrifices. The people of the Sub-Conti¬nent have made great sacrifices for the cause of their freedom. They sacrificed their lives they left their homes for good. Thus, after tremendous sacrifices and struggle they attained freedom from British rule and Hindu dominance.
To attain freedom is not enough; to maintain freedom is also important. In order to safeguard one's freedom, a nation should remain alert. After the creation of Pakistan, the Pakistani nation faced many serious problems. Many times her freedom was at stake but the Pakistani nation did everything possible to preserve its freedom. Thus, the achievement of freedom is a great task but its preservation a greater one.
It requires a lot of sacrifices. The people of the Sub-Conti¬nent have made great sacrifices for the cause of their freedom. They sacrificed their lives they left their homes for good. Thus, after tremendous sacrifices and struggle they attained freedom from British rule and Hindu dominance.
To attain freedom is not enough; to maintain freedom is also important. In order to safeguard one's freedom, a nation should remain alert. After the creation of Pakistan, the Pakistani nation faced many serious problems. Many times her freedom was at stake but the Pakistani nation did everything possible to preserve its freedom. Thus, the achievement of freedom is a great task but its preservation a greater one.
29.How the panic did last and how was the order restored?
Ans. Order was finally restored by militiamen riding through the city in motor
Lorries announcing on the megaphone. “The dam has not broken”. But the
confusion was great that many people thought that the soldiers were crying,
“The dam has now broken” it further increased the panic. After much effort
people were made to believe that the dam not broken. Then, the people went back
to their home quickly.
30.What is Einstein attitude
to war?
Ans. Einstein says that in his opinion war is a hateful thing. The author holds
war in such a great disregard that even the thought of being a part of it seems
abominable to him. Inspite of low opinion on war, the author has a very high
opinion about human race. He thinks that terrible things like wars would have
disappeared long ago if the thinking of people were not gradually paralyzed by
the propagation of pro-war views through schools and press. In schools the
children are taught to become intolerant towards
others to the extent that they become chauvinists.
Another medium which affects people's way of thinking is the Press. It is through the press that ambitious political leaders voice their views for their own selfish interests. They corrupt the views of the masses. This gives rise to conflicts and wars ensue between people
others to the extent that they become chauvinists.
Another medium which affects people's way of thinking is the Press. It is through the press that ambitious political leaders voice their views for their own selfish interests. They corrupt the views of the masses. This gives rise to conflicts and wars ensue between people
31.Describe Rudolf Rassendyll encounter with armed men during the meeting with
Lady Mauban.
Describe the scene in which Rassendyll used an iron-topped table to save himself.
Describe the most exiting / thrilling or interesting event in the novel “Prisoner of Zenda”’ Ans. Black Michael was deadly against Rudolf Rassendyll. He asked Madame De Mauban to write a letter to Rassendyll to come in the Summerhouse. His aim was to kill him. So she wrote a letter to Rassendyll to come alone at midnight to the Summerhouse to listen a terrible news.
Rassendyll and Sept reach the Summerhouse. Rassendyll went into the summerhouse by holding a revolver in his hand and Sept stayed outside. She told Rassendyll frankly that three men of Michael would be there in twenty minutes to kill him. Therefore, he should be careful.
Soon three armed men reached there. First they offered Rassendyll fifty thousand pounds for leaving the country forever. In the meantime, he took up a little iron table, he kept its top before him and asked Michael’s men to pull the door and open it. As soon as they opened it, he ran out. They fired at him, but the shots only that the top of the table, they also ran after him. But Rassendyll threw the table on their hands. He and they fell down on the ground. Rassendyll got up and wounded one of the three men with his pistol. He ran to a ladder about which De Mauban had told him. He climbed up this ladder and get out of the Summerhouse over the wail. Rassendyll saved himself with the help of the small iron table. This event is the most exciting in the novel. It is also the moment of greatest suspense.
Describe the scene in which Rassendyll used an iron-topped table to save himself.
Describe the most exiting / thrilling or interesting event in the novel “Prisoner of Zenda”’ Ans. Black Michael was deadly against Rudolf Rassendyll. He asked Madame De Mauban to write a letter to Rassendyll to come in the Summerhouse. His aim was to kill him. So she wrote a letter to Rassendyll to come alone at midnight to the Summerhouse to listen a terrible news.
Rassendyll and Sept reach the Summerhouse. Rassendyll went into the summerhouse by holding a revolver in his hand and Sept stayed outside. She told Rassendyll frankly that three men of Michael would be there in twenty minutes to kill him. Therefore, he should be careful.
Soon three armed men reached there. First they offered Rassendyll fifty thousand pounds for leaving the country forever. In the meantime, he took up a little iron table, he kept its top before him and asked Michael’s men to pull the door and open it. As soon as they opened it, he ran out. They fired at him, but the shots only that the top of the table, they also ran after him. But Rassendyll threw the table on their hands. He and they fell down on the ground. Rassendyll got up and wounded one of the three men with his pistol. He ran to a ladder about which De Mauban had told him. He climbed up this ladder and get out of the Summerhouse over the wail. Rassendyll saved himself with the help of the small iron table. This event is the most exciting in the novel. It is also the moment of greatest suspense.
32.Describe Rassendyll’s last interview with Flavia. What do you think of
Flavia’s decision?
Show how Rassendyll sacrifices love and ambition (high hopes of success) to duty and honour. OR
Describe the most emotional scene in the novel? Ans. Rassendyll was staying at the castle of Zenda after saving the king. Princes Flavia had also reached there. It was night Rassendyll went into Princess Flavia’s room.
Flavia said that she had a duty to her country and to her royal family. She loved Rassendyll but she could not live with him. Rassendyll had to leave for England after some time after that Flavia had to stay in Ruritania to be named to King Rudolf.
Rassendyll was sad to hear Flavia’s words. He said he would keep her ring and would continue to love her. He wished her every comfort and left her.
Flavia decided not to marry Rassendyll because she was loyal to her people, country and the king. She sacrificed love to duty. She took the right step at the at the right moment. Her marriage to King Rudolf was quite necessary to keep the people satisfied and peaceful.
Show how Rassendyll sacrifices love and ambition (high hopes of success) to duty and honour. OR
Describe the most emotional scene in the novel? Ans. Rassendyll was staying at the castle of Zenda after saving the king. Princes Flavia had also reached there. It was night Rassendyll went into Princess Flavia’s room.
Flavia said that she had a duty to her country and to her royal family. She loved Rassendyll but she could not live with him. Rassendyll had to leave for England after some time after that Flavia had to stay in Ruritania to be named to King Rudolf.
Rassendyll was sad to hear Flavia’s words. He said he would keep her ring and would continue to love her. He wished her every comfort and left her.
Flavia decided not to marry Rassendyll because she was loyal to her people, country and the king. She sacrificed love to duty. She took the right step at the at the right moment. Her marriage to King Rudolf was quite necessary to keep the people satisfied and peaceful.
33. What was the Jacob’s ladder? Give an account of the first attempt of
Rassendyll at it?
Ans. The king of Ruritania was imprisoned in the castle of Zenda. The Duke
Michael had connected the king's room to the moat through a big pipe. This pipe
was of earthen ware. It was so large that a man could easily slip through it
from the room to the moat. It was called by Rupert as Jacob's ladder. The Duke
had ordered the guards that whenever an attempt was made to liberate the king,
they should kill him, tie a weight to his body and throw it through the pipe
down into the moat. The murderers, could also escape through the Jacob's ladder
Rassendyll got full information from Johann about the king's room. When Rassendyll, Sapt and Fritz took three soldiers and went towards the castle. Rassendyll swam across the moat whereas his companions waited at the bank. He came to the Jacob's ladder. He saw a guard sleeping there. He killed the guard and then, he surveyed the pipe throughly. He got into the boat and rowed towards the bank. He reached at the gate of the castle where he fought with three armed man, this was his first attempt at the Jaccob's ladder.
Rassendyll got full information from Johann about the king's room. When Rassendyll, Sapt and Fritz took three soldiers and went towards the castle. Rassendyll swam across the moat whereas his companions waited at the bank. He came to the Jacob's ladder. He saw a guard sleeping there. He killed the guard and then, he surveyed the pipe throughly. He got into the boat and rowed towards the bank. He reached at the gate of the castle where he fought with three armed man, this was his first attempt at the Jaccob's ladder.
34.What is Percy Bysshe Shelley expressing in his poem “Music When Soft Voices
Ans: The poem entitled “Music When Soft Voices Die” expresses that we cannot
forget our loved ones even though they no longer exist in our lives. Just as
the pleasing voice of a singer, when no longer heard, is revived by its melody
and the sweet scent of flowers like the violet lingers in the memory of the
people long after they have withered away.
35. How did Miller’s wife reveal that she too was ready to exploit the
generosity of Hans?
Ans. The Miller’s wife too was ready to explain the generosity of poor Hans,
soon after the winter, when the Miller told his wife that, he was going to see his
friend, Hans. She praised him for having a good heart and asked him to take the
big basket for the flowers. This shoes that she too was ready to exploit, poor
little Hans